Entrance plaza and cover walkway renovation
Chonburi, Thailand
3,400 SQM.
Pornpat Attachitwatin & team
Panoramic Studio

AL was appointed by Central Pattana Public Company Limited (CPN) to revitalise a public outdoor space of the CentralPlaza Chonburi among the Year 2019 redevelopment project plans.The best urban lifestyle and destination of Chonburi’s city living is our aim to refurbish this very 3,400 sq.m. landscape area.
Our key approach had drawn upon two subjects:
1. The fundamental core was to enhance the outdoor experience of users; boosting the exterior plaza for its special events, formulating friendly all-day meeting points and resting scenes.
2. Creating identity of noticeable CentralPlaza Chonburi character to attract visitors.
The scope of design had set in two areas:
1. Entrance Plaza at street level (400 sq.m.)
2. Covered Walkways ‘‘Recreation Plaza’’ (2,700 sq. m.)

1. Entrance Plaza at street level (400 sq.m.)
In order to lay our respect prior to the original design by landscape designer ,T.R.O.P (Terrains + Open Space), completion in year 2013, AL pursued to keep the existing hardscape structure and complements this entrance area with greater greenery plantations. These distinctive series of softscape feature local trees, shrubs for coastal usage, determine to emphasise the character of City by the Sea.

2. Covered Walkways ‘‘Recreation Plaza’’ (2,700 sq. m.)
The idea was given by CPN to delicately transform the existing vast concrete parking lot into a Plaza Intersection. This recent Plaza Node is literally a bridge that links between backside of the mall and transition area from the main 1000-unit parking. Circle shapes, which resemble to the design element at the front plaza, were introduced to this asymmetrical passageway. The role of the geometrical shape is to animate a loose multipurpose zone which allows a variety of function that serves public commercial events. The long covered walkway were added not only for sun protection reason, but also to improve accessibility from public street to the mall. This former uncover outdoor parking area had transformed into all-day active, in the shade recreation space.

To highlight the figures, AL centered street feature elements: tree planters, benches, for instance. The long covered walkway were added not only for sun protection reason, but also to improve accessibility from public street to the mall. This former uncover parking area had transformed into all-day active, in the shade ‘Walking Experience’ to welcome all visitors.
Our commissions had achieve ultimately by promoting numbers of regional trees to magnify the green shady area, as well as encouraging outdoor activities: urban gardens, meeting points, market place alike. Invitation to the vivid vibe of CentralPlaza Chonburi.